Neslihan Yıldızer Biodata

Hello, my name is Neslihan. I am a senior student of the English Language Teaching department at Yeditepe University. 
This year I’ve started my second university degree, apart from Yeditepe University.
I chose this department (ELT) by taking my step towards becoming an educator in high school before university and graduating from the department of Child Development and Education when I was in high school. 
I had the chance to observe and practice in various kindergartens for about 2 years. 
When I was in high school, I worked as a trainee teacher in a private kindergarten for 3 months. Currently, I am doing an internship at a primary school (İstek Semiha Şakir Schools) over my university. I have been giving private lessons to primary and secondary school students for 2 years. 


Another online education platform to keep in mind is Edulastic . This online classroom software is aimed at schools and school districts. It...