22 Kasım 2022 Salı

Speaking Tool

Flipgrid is a website where teachers can make "grids" to facilitate video conversations. Each grid functions similarly to a message board, with teachers posing questions called "topics" and students posting video responses that appear on a tiled grid display. Grids can be shared with classes, small groups, or people who are all interested in the same set of questions. Each grid can include an infinite number of subjects, and each topic can contain an endless number of responses. Topics can be text-based or include a picture, video, Giphy, emoji, or attachment as a resource. Students can react using any camera-enabled device or submit a previously recorded video via the Flipgrid app or website. Response times can range from 15 seconds to five minutes, with a maximum recording time of five minutes. Teachers can also allow students to record replies to the responses of their peers.


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