29 Kasım 2022 Salı



Memrise is a language learning program among hundreds of them. 
What makes it stand out among others is that, according to the information we have learned from its official website, it has achieved rapid growth and development since it was founded in 2010. Today, more than 40 million people from 180+ countries use Memrise to learn languages. 

The program focuses on teaching you words or expressions from the language you are learning in a systematic way. Like Duolingo, it does not focus on grammar topics or sentence structures, there are only a limited number of grammar exercises in its courses, and we can see some sentence examples in the Learn from the native section. The Turkish-supported grammar section has not been developed yet as far as we know. German French, etc., for now, this feature is only available in some other languages that support it, for example, English over German. 


23 Kasım 2022 Çarşamba

Speaking Tool - FluentU


Click here

Cost: Monthly membership; free trial offered 

Using films that show how native speakers interact with their own content, FluentU teaches English by letting you watch it in context. Movie trailers, news clips, and music videos are among these clips.

Instead of the stiff, formal English you would learn from traditional sources, this authentic content teaches you English as it is spoken by native speakers. Additionally, FluentU offers language learning technologies that make it simpler to comprehend new words and phrases than other English video sources.

The interactive subtitles on FluentU's videos allow you to click individual words to get a translation, an example phrase, or a pronunciation lesson. You'll comprehend more of what you hear if you do this. The videos will show you how to use phrases in various settings as well as how native English speakers speak. 

Additionally, FluentU offers customized tests that enable you put what you've learned from the videos into practice. You can use your device's microphone to practice your English pronunciation with the speaking questions in the quizzes in the app version. Simply voice your response into your device, and FluentU's speech recognition software will indicate whether or not you pronounce your words correctly.

Speaking Tool - Orai


    Orai is a multimedia application that is essentially used for improving public speaking skills, but it is also commonly used as a teaching L2 speaking tool. Through the extensive and effective usage of Orai, learners are able to receive immediate feedback regarding their tonation, pronunciation, clarity and vocal energy. They can also observe professional speakers addressing to massive audiances through endless amounts of contexts. The app provides a speaking AI that reacts to uploaded speech videos or performances to deliver constructive feedback.  

22 Kasım 2022 Salı

Speaking Tool

Flipgrid is a website where teachers can make "grids" to facilitate video conversations. Each grid functions similarly to a message board, with teachers posing questions called "topics" and students posting video responses that appear on a tiled grid display. Grids can be shared with classes, small groups, or people who are all interested in the same set of questions. Each grid can include an infinite number of subjects, and each topic can contain an endless number of responses. Topics can be text-based or include a picture, video, Giphy, emoji, or attachment as a resource. Students can react using any camera-enabled device or submit a previously recorded video via the Flipgrid app or website. Response times can range from 15 seconds to five minutes, with a maximum recording time of five minutes. Teachers can also allow students to record replies to the responses of their peers.


Speaking Tool, ELSA

16 Kasım 2022 Çarşamba



Watch the video and make two different lists of the supplies that she needs and does not need for school.


13 Kasım 2022 Pazar

Blog Post 5/ Listening


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To my primary school students:

    Do you like books? Does your best friend like books? Do you read books?

12 Kasım 2022 Cumartesi



Watch the video carefully and write down the nature and reasons of the silence Smith refers to.



Ethical Dilemma: Would You Lie? - Sarah Stroud

Answer the question.

The third view mentioned in the video holds that Kant overstated the moral wrongness of lying, while Mill understated it. Where do you fall on the spectrum of views about the wrongness of lying? Why? 


Another online education platform to keep in mind is Edulastic . This online classroom software is aimed at schools and school districts. It...