27 Ekim 2022 Perşembe

Writing Tool: Penzu


Penzu is a private online personal journaling platform that can assist teachers in incorporating more writing into their curriculum. The website can be used for practically every type of writing project, including reflection, literature analysis, essays, warm-ups, and lab reports (graphs can even be added in picture format). Penzu allows for peer editing, a useful skill that requires practice. Teachers can share any student entry with the entire class or with particular students. Sharing with the entire class can encourage class debate on certain themes while sharing with specific students can be used to assign partner work and peer editing. Students can effectively edit and comment on their work with adequate teacher instruction and receive immediate feedback. The free version provides users with one journal, a limited number of fonts and colors, and the option to insert images. Students must have their own Penzu accounts in order to participate in a class; they can participate in multiple class journals while simultaneously having a private journal. When tasks are given, submitted, and graded, email notifications can be sent.

Penzu provides awesome teacher tools for managing writing assignments while making it easy for kids to create and submit their work. For more information, please visit www.penzu.com.

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